19 November 2008

Really? Casey Affleck's Brother Has a Beard?

He certainly does. And it goes without saying that he looks like an even larger douche bag with one than without one. I think it's for some movie. Let's get one thing straight off the bat; I'm no real fan of the guy, but that would not necessarily imply that I wouldn't give the guy a fair shake when it came to growing a beard. Then again, maybe it would. But when that shabby-ass beard is joined by flowing hair, need I say more? Some guys can pull them off, some can't. I'd throw Casey Affleck's brother in the mix with those who can't.

So this post kind of stretches the credulity of it's afore-alluded-to-goal of railing on some dude who was pretty bad and who had a beard. If I had to stick with that script, I'd go with Casey's brother's role in Mall Rats, where he not only drenched himself in douchebaggery, but he also nailed a 15-year old girl. I think that qualifies.

That's two week's running now where the lead character of this intended post has been more of a giant douche bag than a really bad dude with a beard since, well, the last two characters haven't been bad necessarily. Well this week's is a bad actor, but last week's was more a dude who was bad in a prison scene. Who knows what will be next.

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